Customization Tools

Easily use Transferty's customization tools to enlarge your sales

Increase conversion by making the customer’s payment journey pleasant. Checkout customization is available for each registered user. All you need to do is sign up and start using all the features of Transferty Payment Gateway for your business

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    Customization Capabilities

    Build your custom checkout that enlarges your sales

    Customize your checkout page to match your brand, simplify payments across all devices and channels, and increase customer loyalty. Implement the following optimization tips to make the payment process quick and profitable

    Payment forms

    Use diverse checkout layouts depending on your customers buying experience, type of your business and channels you sell. Stay one step ahead with us – use proven layouts to make purchase easy to use, fast and efficient, clear in navigation, with less steps

      Local Payment Methods

      Offer your customers multiple payment options to complete their journey successfuly. The best strategy for customer-oriented business is to make it possible to find payment method your customers expect or need depending on their location, age, preferences, etc

      Local Payment Methods
      • Credit and debit cards
      • Voucher payments
      • Crypto
      • e-Wallets
      • One-clicks
      • Subscription and recurring
      • Pay by Link
      • and more
      Local Payment Methods Map
      • Credit and debit cards
      • Voucher payments
      • Crypto
      • e-Wallets
      • One-clicks
      • Subscription and recurring
      • Pay by Link
      • and more
      Multi-Language Checkout

      Expand your business globally with Transferty’s multi-language checkout, which supports 22 languages. By offering a checkout in your customers’ preferred language, you can improve their overall shopping experience, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost conversions

      Useful simplifying features

      Boost conversion and profit by using simple features for first-time and returning customers. For instance, storing personal information of first-time customers can speed up future transactions and improve the convenience of impulse purchases

      • Use ‘Remember this card’ option to make repurchase easier
      • Use auto-recurring billing to minimize mistakes
      • Use one-click purchases to complete purchases in a single step
      • Show the payment page directly on your website using an iframe
      • Use “Remember this card” option to make repurchase easier
      • Use auto-recurring billing to minimize mistakes
      • Use One-clicks to speed purchase just in in one single step
      • Show payment page directly on your website using iframe
      Error messages

      Enhance your customer’s checkout experience by providing clear guidance and showing all necessary hints to complete the flow

      Stop loosing your sales because of mistakes, make excellent checkout experience and boost your profit

      • Let your customers know if they made an error to reduce the risk of not completing a purchase
      • Make the text of error messages clear and easily understandable, display it prominently in context
      • Make a clear flow: if your user made an error, message him before going to the next input field
      • Let your customers know if they made an error to reduce the risk of not completing a purchase
      • Make the text of error messages easy to understand, prominent and show it in context
      • Make clear flow – if your user made an error than message him before going to the next input field
      Receipt customization

      Customize your receipts to meet your customers’ preferences with ease, and enjoy the benefits of digital receipts. By providing tailored digital receipts, you enhance the customer experience, save time, and reduce paper waste

      • All the receipts are automatically stored in transaction details, so you can analyze them anytime you want
      • Your customers can obtain a receipt right after a successful transaction: save it as a PDF file or forward it by link
      • All the receipts are automatically stored in Transaction details so you can analyze them anytime you want
      • Your customers can obtain a receipt right after successfully finished transaction: save as PDF file or forward it by link

      Start perfecting your checkout right now

      Use the power of design to make more profit. Some simple steps can really build customer loyalty, decrease churn rate, improve retention, and thus improve your relationship with customers and increase sales

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        Frequently Asked Questions

        Here you will find the answers to commonly asked questions. If you can't find the answer on your question or need any further information, please, feel free to contact our sales team

        • Why is it important to customize the checkout due to the customers’ specifics?

          Customizing the checkout to meet the specific needs and preferences of customers is important because it can help improve the overall customer experience and increase sales. Customers have different preferences when it comes to payment methods and other aspects of the checkout process. By offering a customized checkout experience that meets these preferences, businesses can reduce cart abandonment rates, increase customer satisfaction, and build customer loyalty

        • Why shall I include the local payment methods for the external markets?

          Including local payment methods for external markets is important because it can help businesses increase sales and reduce cart abandonment rates in those markets. Customers in different regions have different preferences when it comes to payment methods and may be more likely to complete a transaction if their preferred payment method is available. By offering local payment methods, businesses can provide a more convenient and familiar checkout experience for customers and increase the likelihood of completing a sale

        • Why should I customize the receipts?

          Customizing receipts is important because it can help improve the overall customer experience and provide important information to customers. Receipts can be customized with additional information about the purchase. Customizing receipts can help build customer loyalty, increase customer satisfaction, and provide customers with important information that they may need for future references, such as for tax or expense purposes